Maestro TJ performed in his first band concert today. The 6th grade band played 4 songs, ending with Jingle Bells. He has only been playing for about 2 months, but he is doing very well. Take a listen for yourself.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Christmas Craft
TJ and Tyler went to work with Travis today, so the rest of the kids got to go to the kids workshop at Lowe's. This time they got to build two Christmas ornaments. Michelle, Jamison, Jessica, and Paige went with us. It seems funny, but it is easier to help Cole build his crafts than it is to help the older kids! At least he listens!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
A night at the Improv
Emily had her improv night for the Blue Masque Players tonight. "The Blue Masque Players" is the name of the advanced Drama class at Northeast. They had to audition for the class, and got to skip Drama 2, and go straight to Drama 3. Each of the players were in 3 skits. Emily was in World's Worst, Theater Styles, and Remote Control. She demonstrated the world's worst bus driver and the world's worst teacher. Then she did a skit about Bonnie and Clyde in different styles (Kung Fu, Science Fiction, and comedy). Then she was the remote in Remote Control. It was kind of a long night, but they did great. I hope that when Emily makes it to Hollywood, she'll remember all of us "little people".
Monday, December 7, 2009
Congrats Emily!!!!
Well, today Emily found out she made the school play about 9/11. She will be playing Amy. She doesn't really know anything about the character yet. We can't wait to see her acting (on stage, that is)! More details to come, so be on the lookout so you don't miss her big debut!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Happy 96th birthday Grandma Spicer!!
Today Grandma Spicer turned 96 years old. How awesome is that?! The majority of the Spicer clan congregated at the nursing home she is living in to celebrate with her. We all love her and wish her many more years of health and happiness!! This is her with all of her children.
Only a woman that special could get all of them in one place at one time!!!!
Friday, December 4, 2009
If you take a mouse to the movies
Well, we read all of the books, but we never truly knew what would happen if you take a mouse to the movies. Katie and Mommy learned the answer to that today. That is because we had the privilege of seeing the play at the children's theater at Imaginon. If you have never been, it's worth the trip!! Here is a glimpse of what we saw...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
It's beginning to sound a lot like Christmas
Tonight Katie had her Christmas program at Clear Creek. It was soooo cute!! All of the second graders sang, while a few fifth graders acted out a skit. Grandpa Sheppard, Uncle Jeff, and Aunt Freak all came to watch our future performer in action. We all enjoyed it so much, we wanted to share a clip of it with everyone in case you missed it.
I bet you won't miss another!!!
I bet you won't miss another!!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Cookie bagging
Emily and Katie both participated in the annual cookie bagging at Philadelphia Presbyterian Church. It is similar to a cookie swap, except that you don't bring the cookies home. They are all donated to a local nursing home. Each of the girls brought two dozen cookies to be bagged. It organized by Mrs. Biggers (the mayor's wife) every year. After all of the cookies are bagged up, she serves all of the girls hot chocolate and MORE cookies. Here are the girls hard at work.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Turkey Day, a day late
Well, we made it. We celebrated two wonderful Thanksgivings. The food was delish Mary and Jackie!!! Thank You for having us!! Then it was time for 8 plus hours of Black Friday shopping. Jackie and I were at Toys 'R Us before 10:00 last night, and we finished at Walmart at about 5:30. I finally figured out why they call it Black Friday. It's because it's pitch black outside when you go!! I wouldn't miss it for the world, though!! Same time, next year!!!!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Santa's Wonderland
We decided to start our Holiday season out right --- with SANTA!!!!! We went to Santa's Wonderland at Bass Pro Shops. The kids got to get their pictures taken with the jolly old fat man, and even write him a letter. They put it straight into his mailbox, and should soon be receiving an email response. (Don't tell anyone, but I happen to know for a fact that Santa will be bringing some of their wishes.) Hopefully seeing these will get you in the Christmas spirit.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Quartermaster TJ
Hey its TJ here, I just went to Boy Scouts and I was elected Quarter master. Quarter master is the person who is in charge of patrol gear. That means when we go on a trip I take care of the patrol gear (tents, kitchen, chuck boxes). I also received word via my teacher there will be a 3 on 3 basketball tournament. To enter I have to get sponsors for the American heart association. I need at least five dollars to enter. If anyone wants to sponsor e-mail me at or E-mail my mom.
Hey, it's TJ's mom here. If you have any plastic grocery bags, please bring them to Thanksgiving. Clear Creek is collecting them. They recycle them through Harris Teeter and get money for the school. Thank you for your support.
Hey, it's TJ's mom here. If you have any plastic grocery bags, please bring them to Thanksgiving. Clear Creek is collecting them. They recycle them through Harris Teeter and get money for the school. Thank you for your support.
Monday, November 23, 2009
We're back.
OK. So it's been a little while since we posted anything. But we're officially back. We will be filling in missing time over the next few weeks, so be on the lookout. I am sure mostly everyone knows most of what you've missed, but be prepared to see it in words (and photos). The one thing you may or may not know about of recent is my new found obsession with couponing and saving. Yes, I know, it has been a long time coming. But, oh... my... gosh!! What a rush. Who knew you could get paid to shop?! Yes, that's right. And just in time for Christmas, too. So, you will have to forgive me if I seem a little rude by telling you how much I spent on your gift(s). I more than likely will get it on a HUGE sale, or with a coupon. But, hey, it's the thought that counts, right? Just chalk it up to coupon fever!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
If you build it, they will come....
We went to Lowe's Home Improvement this morning for a kid's clinic. They got to build a snowman gift card holder. All of the kids except TJ got to go. They each got an apron, and goggles to keep. When they were done, they got a certificate and a patch for their apron. Every time they go to another clinic, they will get another patch to put on their apron. We had a good time, and they looked soooooo cute.
Friday, November 20, 2009
TJ made the honor roll for first quarter at Northeast Middle School. He also received a silver card, which an extra award given for having at least a 3.0 GPA, no disciplinary problems, and no more than 2 absences. It gets the kids a few extra perks each quarter. Sometimes, they will get McDonalds for lunch, or an extra field trip. TJ was honored for all of his hard work, and we were honored to get to see it. Keep it up TJ!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Weekend Beach Trip
With this weekend having been the last one we could have gone away before school, we decided to take advantage of it. We took off to Garden City Beach again, and took Danielle with us. We were only supposed to spend one night, but upon checking out of the resort, and having lunch, Travis decided to spend another night. So, we checked back in to the same room. We left at 3:30 Monday morning to get back in time for a job he had to be at by 9:00. It was a great way to end summer vacation. The downside to the trip? Travis lost his sunglasses. (The prescription ones) Yes, he went INTO THE OCEAN in the waves with them on. I am sure some whale now has good vision, and doesn't have to squint when he comes up for air. Well, if you can see, check out the pics from the trip.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Pool Party
Who says you can't have fun until the weekend? We spent last night at Dave and Perri's house for an evening of pizza and swimming. We had a great time just hanging out and letting the kids (including the 2 "big boys") in the pool. For once, there was no cooking involved, so even the 2 mommies got to relax and hang out. Here's a peek at some of the fun.

Friday, August 7, 2009
Goofing Off
Thursday, August 6, 2009
We love you, Jeff!!!
If you are lucky enough to have Jeff in your life as a brother, or son, or uncle, or friend, you know how wonderful he is, and how blessed you are for being a part of his life. Many of you already heard about the 5 car pile up on I-77 yesterday. But you may not have heard that Jeff was in the middle of it. He got hit by the tanker, and got sent into the truck in front of him, and well, it just kept going. He was briefly taken to Presbyterian Hospital to be checked out. Other than a few cuts and bruises, and 6 stitches in his hand, he is fine. Everyone loves Jeff, and the nurses at the hospital were no different. We couldn't even get in the room without 4 separate nurses telling us how wonderful he is. (As if we didn't already know!!). Anyway, he is doing great, and aside from his truck, nothing is broken. We thank God for Jeff, and are so glad he is okay.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Wanna go to Grandpa's?
Saturday, the question that kept being heard around the Spicer house was, "What time are we going to Grandpa's?". Sounds like an easy question, right? Wrong. With the boys (most of them) going to Grandpa Sheppard's house, and the girls going to Grandpa Spicer's, it got kind of confusing. All of the kids loaded in the car, we took off. The kids go to Grandpa Sheppard's house a lot, but this is the first time they have gone to Grandpa Spicer's house since Grandma passed away. Grandpa (the one who had the girls) took them out to eat at K&W, then to Big Lots to get some school stuff on Saturday. They took Grandpa's friend Barbara with them. Then on Sunday, they went to church, and to the mountains (again with Barbara) to see Grandpa's mother, then to Kabuto's for dinner. The other Grandpa (the one with the boys) just got to hang out. Video games, a swimming pool, a basketball game - what else could boys want?
I am glad all the kids (except Cole) got to have a great weekend with Grandpa. Just don't ask which one.
I am glad all the kids (except Cole) got to have a great weekend with Grandpa. Just don't ask which one.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Ducks, and Picnics, and Paddleboats, oh my!
We spent Sunday afternoon at Frank Liske Park. Emily and TJ rode the paddleboats, and amazingly enough, neither one pushed the other in the lake. We had a picnic on a blanket next to the water. Katie, Tyler, and Cole fed the ducks while we ate and waited for Emily and TJ to get done riding. Cole decided he was going to pet a duck, but after much chasing, all he got was tired. Emily, as usual, refused to miss a chance to have her picture taken.
Sitting on the dock of the bay, wasting time....
Don't rock the boat
Duck, Duck, Silly Goose
Never miss a photo op
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Camp Rock Enon
This week I went with my boy scout troop on a camping trip. We went to Camp Rock Enon. That trip was 7 days long. I took four merit badge classes including frontiering , first aid , swimming and radio communicating. I got all the merit badges. I also got my carving chip. I had fun. We had campfires every night. The staff were nice. I will definitely go next year. The staff had nicknames like Miles,Machine and Pooh Bear.The lake was less than 40 degrees. One last word to Camp Rock Enon is rock on. The hardest part was the eight and a half hour drive.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Far from home
TJ is at camp at Rock Enon in Virginia right now. Travis has been upset for 2 days because we haven't heard from him. But then we got an email from his Scoutmaster telling us all about the trip so far. They have been voted the troop with the most spirit so far this year!! Our troop is known for doing service projects, so summer camp was to be no different. They are already working on a number of them!! To give you an idea of how many people there are, a group of our scouts (boys and men) made over 1,000 pancakes and 100 pounds of bacon for breakfast yesterday!! These are a couple of pictures taken by one of the men.
In case you can't find him, TJ is the second boy from the right on the dock. (In the red, white, and blue blue shorts)

Monday, July 13, 2009
Fun and Sun
This weekend was like most others in the Spicer house. BUSY!!! Saturday morning, it was off to the laundromat. Only 3 1/2 hours, 19 loads, and $55.00 later, it was done. Then it was time for TJ's physical for his camping trip. (Yes, just like everything else, we did it last minute). Then it was home to pack his stuff to drop off at the church at 6:30. He had to be there on Sunday morning at 5:00 to leave. Then we took off to the beach for the day. We had more fun than we have had in a LONG time. The kids had a blast, and so did we!! The only down side is that TJ wasn't with us. But we will take him back there when he gets home. Here are a few highlights.
Our sand monsters

Emily marked her territory.
Even Daddy relaxed!!!
Cole fought the waves, but the waves won.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Happy 4th of July (a day late)
We had a very exciting, and BUSY 4th of July. After stuffing 3,300 candy bags the day before, we left for the parade in Harrisburg at about 5:00 AM. We got in the line up by 7:45, and got it all together. We were done by 11:00, so we took everyone to Ci-Ci's pizza. Yeah, that's right. Want free pizza? Be in the parade next year!! Then it was off to Dane's 1st birthday party. It is hard to believe that he is that big!! But after watching him demolish his cake, we took off to Perri and Dave's house to cook out and watch fireworks. Jackie and Danny and Dane joined us for the fun. There is nothing better than spending a day like that with good friends and family.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
What a difference a year makes!
Whether you count it in days, or weeks, or months, Dane is now officially 1 year old. For months, Jackie and Jenny have argued over whether 4 weeks and 1 month are actually the same. It doesn't matter anymore. 1 year is 1 year. In some ways, it doesn't seem like a year has gone by, but it also seems like he has been with us forever. Either way, we couldn't do without him!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
At Peace
Today we said good-bye to one of the finest women I have ever met. It was hard to do, but I believe with all my heart that we will meet again. She is no doubt up in Heaven (probably cleaning and cooking) making a place for the rest of her family. For those interested, her body was laid to rest at Sharon Memorial Gardens. The entire Spicer family would like to thank everyone for their kindness in our time off loss.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Heaven gets a new angel

Willie Mae Spicer went home to be with Jesus this morning. She was a wonderful mother / mother-in-law / grandma to us all. We will miss her loving nature, and beautiful smile. There is no doubt that she is in heaven now where all of the angels belong. She fought a long battle with COPD, but now she is with the ultimate healer!! We are all better for having been a part of her life. I know I am. She will forever be in our hearts. Look for her, Pop-Pop, and show her the way. We love you both.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Prayers, Please!!
Everyone who knows us is aware that Willie is not in good health. We are grateful to all of the people who have called / visited/ prayed with us. As you go through your day, just please remember her. We can never underestimate the power of prayers!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day <3
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Reflections of Elementary School by TJ
Today was my graduation. I graduated the 5th grade. I remember from Mrs. Lathom's friendly smile to Mrs. Perry being nice, from Mrs. Gerringer's sense of humor to Mrs. Brookshire always being kind when I wasn't paying attention. From Mr. White always making sure I was paying attention. I enjoyed 5th grade most because all of the teachers, Mrs. Shear, Mr. Jaynes, Mrs. White, Mrs. Alvarez, and Mrs. Huggins for always being there for me and always being so supportive. Clear Creek was the school. The 5th grade teachers were the only reason I bothered getting up at 6:30 every morning.I will always remember my teacher from New York who will always remember me.
From left to right: Ms. Mullis, Mrs. White, Mrs. Shear, Mr. Jaynes, Mrs. Huggins, and Mrs. Alvarez
I will miss them all.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Junior Achievement Unedited edition by Katie
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Katie's Recital
Katie had her first ever ballet recital today. She has been taking ballet all year with her 2 friends Jessica and Jamison. For those of you who missed the Prima Ballerina, she was beautiful. It was the culmination of a lot of hard work and practice. We were so proud of her. She would like to thank her Grandpa, Uncle Jeff, Aunt Freak, Uncle Danny, Dane, Uncle Jeff and Aunt Mary, and Grandma for all coming to support her. Here are the cutest ballerinas you've ever seen!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
All about Emily
For a while now, there have been a lot of posts about Katie, TJ, and Tyler. That's just because they have been so busy. But I wanted to take a day to talk about Emily. She is the oldest, and so we rely on her a lot. Maybe more than is always fair. But she (usually) shows responsibility. I don't tell her enough how proud I am of her, so I wanted to take this opportunity to do just that. For no other reason than that I love her.
You are turning into such a wonderful young woman. The world can be yours. You just have to believe in yourself as much as I believe in you. I am so proud of you - not just for what you do, but for who you are. I love you more than I could ever put in a post or on paper. I just want you to know that you are ALWAYS with me, in my heart, no matter where you go. Remember that you can always come to me. You will always be safe and loved. I love you.
You are turning into such a wonderful young woman. The world can be yours. You just have to believe in yourself as much as I believe in you. I am so proud of you - not just for what you do, but for who you are. I love you more than I could ever put in a post or on paper. I just want you to know that you are ALWAYS with me, in my heart, no matter where you go. Remember that you can always come to me. You will always be safe and loved. I love you.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Field Day
Today was arguably one of the greatest days of the school year to a kid. FIELD DAY!!! A school day devoted to games and fun?! How could it not be? It is a day that you look forward to as a kid, and look back on fondly as an adult. Tyler and Cole got to take part in all of the fun since they were stuck with me all day. I would guess that all of the kids' favorite activity was the dump and run. They had to fill a bowl with water, run with it on their head, then dump it in a pitcher. The first team to fill the pitcher wins. Wins what you ask? This. 
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Katie's Rededication Ceremony
Katie had her rededication ceremony for Brownies today. It is something they do at the end of every year. She received a lot of patches for her vest. Anyone who knows Katie knows that she lives by the Girl Scout Law.

She does her best to be:
"honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what she says and does,
and to
respect herself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place,
and be a sister to every scout.
Maybe she learned it from her big sister scout, Emily.
Friday, May 29, 2009
TJ was on the school news today. It happened to coincide with rocket day, which is an annual event where they launch rockets into the air that they have created. So for the weather broadcast, he said it was "cloudy with a chance of rockets". He also happened to mention that lunch was a mystery. Although we couldn't watch it, we saw how handsome he looked.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day
We spent the day together with the kids. We went to the YMCA to go swimming. They had a blast!! Cole is old enough now to play in the pool, instead of just being held in the water. The we went to Ryan's to eat. They have a special where kids eat for $.99. That worked out to be cheaper than going to McDonalds!! We made a quick stop at Books-A-Million, the went home. A couple hours later, Travis and Emily went to Asbury Care Center to spend some time with Willie. She is doing so much better than she was. It was a long day, but it was nice to be together.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Happy Anniversary Aunt Freak and Uncle Danny
Well today was a very special day for two lovely people, Danny and Jackie Howard. Today was their four year anniversary. First I would like to say happy anniversary to the both of you. You two have been a very good couple so far. I wish you both the best of luck.
The Spicer Kids
The Spicer Kids
Monday, May 18, 2009
Beaver Days (TJ's post)
This weekend I went on a camping trip. It was mainly for the OA (order of the arrow). We went to Camp Grimes. Eighty members got inducted.
We got really messy. I set up a philmont tent all by myself. We stayed for two days.
We got really messy. I set up a philmont tent all by myself. We stayed for two days.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tyler's Graduation
Tyler had his preschool graduation today. He is going to kindergarten in August. It is hard to believe how much he has grown and how far he has come in school. He has 2 wonderful (and VERY patient teachers). We will miss everyone so much!! Tyl;er is not a baby anymore, but for so long, he was the baby. Before we know it, he will be graduating elementary school. Then, this time 13 years from now, it will be his high school graduation we are crying at. Don't grow up too fast, Tyler. Enjoy it while you can. We love you!!
Our handsome graduate
Friday, May 8, 2009
Zoo Trip
Today we went on a trip to the zoo with school. We went to the South Carolina Riverbanks Zoo. The entire fifth grade went. We saw lots of animals. I got a snake pincher. Mom had me, Galeb Edden, Iman Affane and Amariel Thompson in our group. Here are some photographs.
This was our group.
Me and a statue of dad
I think it would hurt if he bit you.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Happy Birthday Travis!!
Travis is 33 years young today. No gray hair, no receding hairline (okay, just a little), and no bad back yet. We all love him very much, and are lucky to have him. I wanted to give the kids a chance to all say something about him. But first, my turn. Travis is the most hardworking person I know. He takes pride in what he does, and expects everyone else to do the same. He is frequently late, but manages to get it all done in the end. Happy Birthday!! I love you!
Dad I love you so much first of all. you've been there for me through the high and the low. We have had so much memories, remember when's, and fun. your a great person and don't ever forget it. To prove it I have dedicated this poem to you. You have been there for me from beginning and you will for the end. you've been there for me time and time again. you love me and i love you and that is something that will always be true. theres nothing more special to me and that is a fact you have to believe. i have six more words that i have to say and that is 'I love you more everyday day'. Happy birthday Love: Emily
Dear dad,
You are very special to me. I love you. Happybirthday. Love katie.
Happy Birthday Dad! I love you, but you still can't beat me at Mortal Kombat. Love, TJ
Happy Birthday and I hope you had a good day. I love you so much, and thank you for taking me to work with you. The End. Love, Tyler
MY DADDY!!! Love, Cole
Dad I love you so much first of all. you've been there for me through the high and the low. We have had so much memories, remember when's, and fun. your a great person and don't ever forget it. To prove it I have dedicated this poem to you. You have been there for me from beginning and you will for the end. you've been there for me time and time again. you love me and i love you and that is something that will always be true. theres nothing more special to me and that is a fact you have to believe. i have six more words that i have to say and that is 'I love you more everyday day'. Happy birthday Love: Emily
Dear dad,
You are very special to me. I love you. Happybirthday. Love katie.
Happy Birthday Dad! I love you, but you still can't beat me at Mortal Kombat. Love, TJ
Happy Birthday and I hope you had a good day. I love you so much, and thank you for taking me to work with you. The End. Love, Tyler
MY DADDY!!! Love, Cole
Monday, April 27, 2009
Wings over Wayne Air Show
OK so over the weekend I went on a camping trip. We went on a two and a half hour drive. We went to a town named Pembroke. It was on my patrol leader Alex's grandmothers house. On Saturday, we went to an air show at Seymour Johnson air force base. We saw the Blue Angels,who broke the sound barrier at least four times. We saw many, many airplanes and jets. Here are some photos.
The Lion -- I wonder how they got that name?
Me and Taylor touching a machine gun.
The Raptor -- This one was one of my favorites.
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