Monday, April 27, 2009

Wings over Wayne Air Show

OK so over the weekend I went on a camping trip. We went on a two and a half hour drive. We went to a town named Pembroke. It was on my patrol leader Alex's grandmothers house. On Saturday, we went to an air show at Seymour Johnson air force base. We saw the Blue Angels,who broke the sound barrier at least four times. We saw many, many airplanes and jets. Here are some photos.
The Lion -- I wonder how they got that name?
Me and Taylor touching a machine gun.

The Raptor -- This one was one of my favorites.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Uncle Ron and Aunt Jean bought Cole a Jack-in-the-box for his birthday. For whatever reason, we had never bought one for any of the kids. It immediately became all 5 kids' favorite toy! Here is Cole's expression when he saw it in action for the first time.

Thanks Uncle Ron and Aunt Jean!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Congrats to Emily

Well, as we said in an earlier post, Emily made the honor roll and received an honor card. Today was her assembly where she got her awards. She also came home after school and informed us she made the Blue Masque (an advanced drama class) for next year. She had an exciting day!! Here is a picture of her with her certificates.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Week O' activities

This week has been (and will continue to be) jam packed. We have had Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Brownies, Ballet, and Graduation meetings. We still have volunteer work at school, speech, an Eagle project, a Girl Scout service project, Boy Scout night, and an honor roll assembly. That will all be from Monday to Saturday. Squeeze in haircuts, and work, and the normal cooking and cleaning, and you'll see what life is like with 5 kids.
Here is a picture of TJ and Tyler's haircut.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter weekend

Saturday was Cole's birthday party. He turned 2. We had a barbeque. It was a lot of fun. We were nervous about the weather though. It rained for days, and stopped that morning. Everything went pretty well. The playroom was done (except for 2 door casings), so we had the extra room. Thanks to Uncle Jeff Spicer for his grilling!! And thanks to everyone who joined us!!

Easter was a lot of fun for our whole family. The Easter Bunny left a family basket, instead of 5 individual ones. It was a hit. It was full of candy, family toys, and dvd's. We spent the day playing games, having egg hunts, and decorating eggs. Mommy and Daddy even got a much needed nap! It was a great family day!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

A letter to Cole

Our little man Cole,
Today you turned 2. How big you are getting! We are not sad about it though. We are so excited to see all of the things you are learning and doing. You can count to 3, play games like hide and seek, and you know all your body parts, and your colors. Green is definitely your favorite. You love green beans, hot dogs, and eggs. Your favorite characters are Bob Bob (Spongebob Squarepants) and Momo (Elmo). You have a smile that is contagious. But you have a temper too. There is no changing your mind when you set it on something. You love your cousin Dane, and light up when you see him. It is so cute how you try to follow him, so you can "catch" him if he falls.
We can not wait to see what kind of man you grow into. But you seem to have the best of mommy and daddy. You have daddy's determination and mommy's love of learning. But you also have Tyler's sneaky side, Katie's outgoing side, TJ's curious side, and Emily's compassionate side. With all of that, you are sure to go far!!
We love you soooooo much! Have a great birthday!
Mom and Dad

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A yard sale and a party

Today was Tyler's party at Chuck E. Cheese's. That should have been enough excitement for one day, but we thought it would be a great idea to have a 6 hour yard sale first. Having to get up at 3:30 in the morning to get ready should have been the first clue that we should wait. But, we don't do the sensicle much. So we did it anyway. It went fairly well. Then we went to Chuck E. cheese's at 4:00 for the party. It was everything you would expect. Noise, screaming kids, and lots of fun. Here is a picture of Tyler with his cake and friends.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Out for Easter Break

Today was the last day of school before Spring Break. We had a very busy day full of class parties, honor roll assemblies, and volunteer receptions. The kids are out of school for Easter until April 12. Oh, joy. At Tyler's Easter party, they decorated cupcakes and eggs. This is Tyler with his finished cupcake bunny. TJ made the honor roll for the first time! He made 3 B's and 2 A's. We are so proud of all of his hard work!! He also made his AR (Accelerated Reader) goal. Here he is with his certificates. Way to go TJ!!!!

Katie and Emily also got their report cards. Katie, as always, got all 3's. (They get 1, 2, or 3 until 3rd grade). Emily also made the honor roll with 4 B's and 3 A's, but her honor roll assembly is not until April 16th. Look for pictures then.
Don't forget to sponsor Jackie and Dane in the March of Dimes walk!!! Just go to to help.