Tyler is 6 years old today. We can't believe how fast he is growing up!! He is almost finished with preschool, and ready for kindergarten. We all love him so much! He had a pretty good birthday. He went to school, which is always exciting on your birthday! He got cake in class. He got all kinds of cool presents, and
already used his gift cards and birthday money. He bought video games, and action figures, and the Beetlejuice dvd. Thanks to Uncle Ron and Aunt Jean, Uncle Jeff and Aunt Mary, Grandma and Grandpa! Here is a picture of our big 6 year old on his birthday.

Happy Birthday to my caring, loving brother. Love, TJ
Happy birthday Tyler. I love you. I am happy that you are turning 6. Love, Katie.
Ty Ty Love, Cole
6th Birthday Tyler! I love you. Every single day thatI spend with you is a blessing. Have a great rest of the day. Your the best and don't let anyone tell you different. - love, em
Hope your day is aawwshum, Tyler. We love you. Happy Birthday.